Sunday, 5 June 2011

Time Capsule!!

Inside the "subtle" package are all the pages of this blog up to this point. Also pictures of this years Boarders and a list of staff. They are all sealed into one length of thick laminate to make it all 100% waterproof.

This prospectus went into the box together with 3 newspapers for the day, a school crested shirt, some coins, an old school tie.... and a random white mug.

Hopefully the colour scheme will make them easy to spot! We'll put a plaque on the wall above them so
that those that demolish the building will know where to look.

John Loader (retiring Head of Boarding) on the left and Building Site Manager Alan Randall looking into the last bit of the floor to be sealed up. The tube and box will go into the space under the floor rather than be buried.

Obviously this is a perfectly safe spot to put the Time Capsule.

Boarding Head Boy George Philpott hands the box to Mr Loader. Head Girl Jess Nowell has already handed over the laminated package.

John Loader hides them both carefully away.

And so they rest.... waiting for future generations to uncover. If Bolton building lasts as long as Brotherhood Hall..... that should be in around 400 years time!