This part of the Blog documents the laying of the ground floor. It's really starting to take shape now.
The pillars on the south side of the site are finished and soon it will be time to put in the bricks to rest the floor beams on.
Here's our old friend the Electrical Cupboard!! Still here defying the new build like a brick built King Canute.
Yup... more rain!!
Two shear walls up and the pillars are being cased ready for filling.
Most of the shear walls are now up.
The last of the pillars being filled with concrete.
And the last of the concrete goes into the foundations.
Bits of wall are going up!! But it's the floor next.
The south side is ready for it's floor beams.
The north side of the site has all the footings ready to receive the floor beams.
Most of the floor beams now laid on the north side of the site.
The floor beams ready to receive all those bricks!
Time to start laying all those bricks.... it's going to be quite a job!
The south side floor bricks are mostly done.
The north side of the site has most of the floor beams in place ready for the bricks.
There we are... all done. (Well... except for the bit by the Electrical cupboard.)
Cutting the floor bricks to fit the final gaps.
The final touch at this stage it to brush a cement mixture between the bricks. Alan says that he can pull up a brick to put the time capsule under... though there is still space next to the electrical cupboard... yes... our old friend is still there!